Wednesday, September 9, 2009


On Saturday, September 5, 2009, Martha Splain and Vincent Peppe began fostering Odie with every intention to adopt him. We would like to thank Odie's foster mother Lauralyn Chrisley, Mardy Fones and Dr. Carol Machery.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day off

My fm took the day off today, so she is appropriately available to provide us treats throughout the day. 'Bout time!

Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm a handsome guy

Here's a pic Mr. Rob took of me at M&G on Saturday - I think it shows off my dreamy eyes very well. By the way, if you're really sweet and pet me really nice, I chatter softly! It makes my FM putty in my paws. Oh, and yesterday, I roooooooed, quietly, in my sleep! It was a very long roo, and it didn't even wake me up. I think that scored me some points too, hehe.

Oh, yeah...I'm getting this game all figured out!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Meet & Greet

I heard these things were fun. Oh, man - everyone's here!!! (That's foster Zoe's bum on the right, incidentally. I thought she was in more pics, but at least we got one of assets!)

Kendal was his usual stressed-out self. (Sorry, he already has a forever home!)

Kassard is up for adoption - boy, is this guy cut! The ladies were swooning.

Two-headed dog?? Nah, it's just Judy and me. We'd make a greyt matched set; we're both very friendly and social AND small-animal safe!

Tequila was working the crowd! Human...

...and canine. MY Chuckie!!

That was fun! But it's been a long day. Nap time...later...

A Brief Encounter

I think this is what they call a "play date."

She was really pretty, and she had a nice place. Soft beds, fresh water, nice, big yard...

Aww...I hafta say, she's a sweet little thing.

I think she might be a pretty okay hound to adopt...after me!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What's up?

Hi there! Ok, so here's what's up with me: I've been taking antibiotics for a sore toe, and I get my stitches out today from my big-boy surgery. I'm cool with this new life of mine, for the most part. I go into my crate obediently every morning, but I give my FM an earful about it when she gets home from work. (She gives me antibios in cheese with that whine!)

At first, I was so excited, I just had to get up and stick my long nose in my FM's face several times a night - and, of course, WAAAAAAAG!!! Now, I'm getting used to this sleeping all night thing.

I think I've gotten the idea on doing my business outside. People get really excited when I go outside - I like that! And while we're on the subject, I don't mean to brag, but I can pee longer than any dog you ever saw. It's a gift; what can I say? :)

Hoping to see you all at 100 Oaks this weekend. I'm a very friendly, social guy, so please come say hi! I'll be putting on my best smile and wagging wagging wagging for my forever home.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ebony and Iiiiiivory...

...drink together in perfect...harmonyyyyy....hehe.